Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thoughts On Disasters

Here's some highly recommended reading regarding how one should prepare for, what one should do, and the situations one should be ready for during and after disasters such as Katrina. The bottom line?
I'm more and more convinced that in the event of a disaster, I must rely on myself, and a few friends, and never count on Government or relief organizations for the help I'll need. Also, I'm determined to bug out for a fairly long distance from a disaster in my home area, so as to be clear of the post-disaster complications that may arise. Once again (as it has countless times throughout history), we see that to rely on others (let alone Government) for your own safety and security is to invite complications at best, disaster at worst.
That's the way I've thought regarding disasters for quite a while now, and I know that the news that came out post-Katrina opened the eyes of more than a few of my friends.

I've had a "disaster kit" or "bug-out bag" or whatever you want to call it for some time now. . . since before Katrina, actually. I won't get into the details now (and some details I'll keep to myself) but basically I have three levels of gear ready to go in -10 minutes, -30 minutes, and -120 minutes. These levels are based on how much gear I'm able to ready for transport and the time increments are actually padded somewhat. For example, the -10 minute level is man-portable, and would actually take about 2 minutes to be "good to go," while the -30 minute gear level includes the -10 bag plus gear more suitable for vehicle travel and can be made "good to go" in much less than 30 minutes. I'll go into more detail at a later time, hopefully when my piece of crap camera is replaced so I can illustrate the topic. By the way, all gear levels include firearms; the ability to protect oneself and one's possessions is exponentially more important in a survival/disaster/bug-out situation, not to mention the ability to hunt for food can extend one's stay in the field for quite a long time.

None of my gear is dependent on outside assistance; my goal for my household (you know, me and the dog) is to be as completely self-reliant as possible. I suggest you do the same. Like the man said, depending on others for help in a disaster is a long-shot at best, and disastrous at worst. Again, I suggest reading the posts at the above link and, if you haven't already, think about what your preparations are. Remember folks, preparation does not equal paranoia, and basic preparations aren't really that expensive.

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